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EV1003A Hybrid-Electric/Electric Vehicle Power-Converter Test Solution

Solution Briefs

EV1003A Hybrid-Electric / Electric Vehicle Power-Converter Test Solution

The hybrid-electric and electric vehicle (HEV/EV) market has been growing rapidly. Increasing vehicle electrification in the automotive market brings with it new challenges in design and manufacturing. Probably the most noticeable change is the addition of high-voltage, high-power batteries to a platform that is traditionally 12 volts. Hybrid electric and full electric vehicle batteries are 300 volts and higher. These high voltages bring with them additional costs and risks.

Higher costs and risks for high-voltage, high-power components

Purchasing EV test equipment suitable to handle this new high-voltage, high-power environment can be in the range of 4-times more expensive than that of low-power equipment (e.g. 1 kW vs. 10 kW power sources), and many times even higher. Operating expenses will also increase, and at an even greater multiple. For example, the amount of electricity consumed by a 10 kW power source is 10X that of a 1 kW power source when sourcing full power. All this power creates an enormous amount of heat that needs to be mitigated by increasing your facility’s cooling capability. Moreover, you now need to comply with high-voltage safety regulations, such as NFPA 79 in the United States. Extra equipment, such as a safety disconnect system, needs to be considered. This leads again to higher cost since you need to design, implement, and support this safety system. Finally, support and maintenance plans become much more complex, especially if you are deploying these systems worldwide.

Keysight’s HE / EV Power Converter Test Solution

Keysight is partnering with industry leaders in the HEV/EV market to help them transition their EV tests smoothly into the world of high-voltage, high-power test. Keysight has designed a solution specifically to address the safety, regulatory, and environmental issues mentioned above. This solution is the only commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) regenerative power system with highly integrated safety features that protect your devices under test and your people. The regenerative capabilities enable the energy consumed to be put back onto the grid cleanly, saving costs from energy consumption and cooling, while not interfering with the grid. Keysight’s solution and worldwide support give you the confidence to deploy high-voltage, high-power solutions to meet the fast paced, high-growth demands of the HEV/EV market.

Learn more, by downloading this solution brochure on "EV1003A Hybrid-Electric/Electric Vehicle Power-Converter Test Solution".


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